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Women's Retreat and Ornament Exchange Recap



On December 2, eight women from St. Sophia attended the Women's Retreat hosted by the Antiochian Women of Sts. Constantine and Helen at the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ Monastery in Kemp, Texas. Kh. Susan Wallace spoke on Ascending the Mountain of God. We began the day by joining in morning prayers with those living at the monastery. Then Kh. Susan gave three lectures throughout the day. We also had a prolonged time of silent reflection. The weather was crisp but many of us enjoyed walking the grounds and enjoying God's creation during the time of silence. The hosts graciously fed us a delicious breakfast and lunch. We are grateful to Mother Barbara and those living at the monastery for offering their facilities to us for this retreat.



The ladies of St. Sophia held their annual Ornament Exchange on December 17. We enjoyed a time of food and fellowship along with a "Dirty Santa" gift exchange. School-age daughters were also invited to attend, and much fun was had by all who participated.


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