Our Journey Through Lent at St. Peter Orthodox Church
During the Season of Lent, St. Peter Orthodox Church adds two extra weekly services designed to aid us in our journey with Christ to the Cross, through the Cross, and to His most glorious Resurrection.
Wednesdays During Lent at 6 PM: "Vespers, Lenten Potluck Dinner,
& Teaching Series"
On Wednesdays, we begin Vespers at 6 PM followed by a potluck supper and Lenten teaching series. This year our series will be "A Lenten Study of St. John's Gospel" taught by Subdeacon John Forman. Join us this Lenten season as we rely upon the words of the Church Father St. Cyril of Alexandria (AD 376-444) to illuminate the gospel of Christ’s “Beloved Disciple” John. Presentations will be followed by discussions focusing on how the evangelist expresses the relationship between love and repentance.
Fridays During Lent at 6 PM: "Vespers & Stations of the Cross"
On Fridays, we begin with Vespers at 6 PM followed by Stations of the Cross where we move from station to station starting with the trial of our Lord Jesus Christ and ending with His burial. Through this discipline of prayer, we journey together with Christ to the Cross so that we may experience the power of the Resurrection at Easter.
All are welcome and encouraged to come and join us as we journey with our Lord through the blessed Season of Lent, "the springtime of the soul."